Ambassador Spotlight: Mike Roach
Name: Mike Roach
Organization and job title: Bright Images Print & Media Services
How many years have you been with your organization? 2 months and 12 days. I have been in advertising and marketing since 1987.
What’s your favorite part of your job? The People. I love meeting people, learning about what they do and coming up with creative solutions to help them meet their goals.
What is your favorite part of being an ambassador? Also, The People. I love being a connector and helping the members work together with other local businesses. I feel like I get to work with friends because I see so many of these businesspeople every month.
How has Alliance membership benefitted your business? It is a central part of my work as a Sales Manager developing new business. I take advantage of the business development opportunities that the Alliance provides every month and seek to help fellow members while I am out in the community as well.
What is your single best piece of advice to new members, so they can take full advantage of their membership? Take full advantage of the opportunities to meet people face-to-face as well as all the online opportunities to promote your business. The Alliance really has developed a multifaceted approach to promote businesses locally and to the world. The resources that help a business attract, build and connect with new customers is really valuable.
Do you have any advice for someone who is considering becoming an Alliance member? Talk to Heath about the benefits that are available to members and see how it fits with your own business’s development plans. Check out the list of current members and figure out how much time it could save you in getting your message out there. And finally, what are the values of your company when it comes to plugging in to the community. The Alliance is uniquely positioned to help the region with all these things.
Do you have a memorable experience while serving as an ambassador? There have been several times when I learned about a business and was able to say, “do you know _____________? I think your businesses could be a really good fit with them.” I love helping others in that way.
What is your favorite quote to live by and why? “50% of the people you know are below average.” Steven Wright
“People are valuable. I don’t care how old or how young, how rich or how poor, how powerful or how powerless – You Are Valuable” Mike Roach
What is one thing that others wouldn’t necessarily know? I am a published author of a children’s picture book, “Timmy Tate’s Tater Troubles”
What could you give a presentation on or talk about for hours without any preparation? Advertising, marketing, communications, photography, creative pursuits.
How else are you involved in the community? I am active with Celebrate Recovery at Heritage Baptist Church. It is a ministry to people who are struggling with hurts, habits and hangups and are seeking freedom. I also help with the children’s ministry from time-to-time.
When I’m not at work I like to: Work on house projects, golf, write creative stuff.
What’s your favorite/go to lunch spot and what’s your choice of lunch there? I love The White Heart. A Café Con Lech with a little cinnamon on top and everything is good there so you can’t go wrong.
If you had to eat at one restaurant in the Lynchburg region every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Market at Main. I love breakfast food so I could eat it at every meal.
What is your favorite item you’ve purchased this year? I bought a coffee mug in Ireland that I really like. So, the trip was my favorite experience and the mug my favorite item.
What are you reading or listening to right now? I love the Holy Post Podcast, I’m studying the book of John and 1 John, and am planning to listen to the book “Dominion” by Tom Holland.
Favorite vacay spot and why? Too hard to decide. I love national and state parks. I lived in South Korea for 3 years and would love to travel back there . . . and just about any place in Europe.
What’s a fun thing you like to do in our region? My wife and I love hiking to anyplace with a good view, a good vibe, or good food.
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