Member Monday: Michelle Cabell
Today's #MemberMonday is Michelle Cabell, CEO & Founder of Optimized Leadership Coaching and Consulting, LLC.
We invest in highly motivated, driven leaders committed to their development. Business IQ and acumen is necessary to lead; however, mature emotional intelligence and interpersonal competency differentiates good leaders from exceptional ones. Using validated assessments, tools and processes, we partner to foster growth to take leaders to the next level of success. Please reach out to us via our website www.michellecabell.com for a complimentary discovery call!
Why is Michelle an Alliance member?
I joined the Alliance when I ventured out from the corporate executive world into the world of entrepreneurship. I joined for support, business advice and networking and have not been disappointed!
I have so many connection stories to share. I will share 3, one is with Christine Kennedy (doesn't EVERYONE have this story! HA!) She is an inspirational yet straight shooting coach and believer in others and has provided opportunities for me in my new line of work. The second is with Jen Rowland and the Lynchburg Coaching Alliance. This network has been highly supportive and is gaining strength as we attempt to set a high standard for coaching and development in our community. The last is that I was able to meet Seth Mullin at one of the Meet and Greet events. Seth and his wife had been the first on the scene in a serious car accident my parents had. He and his wife were amazing and kept in contact for many months after the accident. We just happened to sit next to each other at the event and soon made the connection.
I have been able to network and have been given opportunities to utilize my expertise in speaking and facilitating at Alliance events. I have also utilized the SBDC for help with operational topics. The Alliance has helped to jump start my work and to showcase my talent while setting me up for success every step of the way.
Thanks for being a member, Michelle!
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